Monday, September 23, 2013

Adventuring.. Green Lakes

A few weeks ago while on vacation we took the girls on an adventure to Green Lakes. I hadn't been there since I was in high school and that was only to visit a friend that was working in a food vendor hut. I never really paid attention that such great beauty is so close to my home (this is roughly 15 minutes drive away).

It was really difficult to capture the true color of the water, as seen in person. But the above photo captures it perfectly. The water is a true turquoise color. These two lares are called "meromictic  lakes" in which the layers of water do not mix. It is one of only a handful in the United States, and the world really. Its pretty crazy that I live near so many, when there are so few.

The trails were really nice and wide and the park was really well maintained. We have been to a few other places lately were the trails were sometimes extremely narrow and I felt like I could fall over cliffs at any moment (haha) but this one was just a really nice relaxing walk around the two lakes.

If you live near a meromictic lake you should definitely go check out their beauty.

Here is a list from wikipedia:

Asia[edit source | editbeta]

Australia[edit source | editbeta]

Europe[edit source | editbeta]

North America[edit source | editbeta]