Sunday, November 24, 2013

Buy Handmade vol 83

This week we head o Fowler, IN..

Name: Colin Evan Pritchett
Age: 25
Occupation: Your reading about it!
Etsy Shop: ItalicHome

Tell us a little about yourself.
I live in the middle of nowhere in Indiana, and I used to hate it, but it's grown on my tremendously. It's a great place to create. I have three brothers, and a very close family. I love modern, minimal design, and I spend my time making anything from furniture to fashion. I also have a miniature dachshund that I like more than any rational person should.

When did you start creating and how long have you been on Etsy?
You could kind of say I've been creating my whole life. I have a very artistic family (my mom's an art teacher, and my dad does construction), so I've been making things since I can remember. I went to college for graphic design, and then realized I loved design, but needed to use my hands. There's no better feeling than having a 3D object at the end of your process. (I guess that makes me materialistic.) My Etsy shop is fairly new. I started it this May, but didn't really make it what it is now until September.

How did you come up with your business name, is there any special meaning behind it?
It goes back to my "roots" (if you can call them roots when you're only 25) as a graphic designer. It was kind of a nod to how I got started in design. I also like the word Italic itself, and the connotation it has for my products: something slightly different, not the norm.

Has your Etsy shop become your full time job? If not, would you like it to be?
Almost. I am kind of transitioning to that at the moment. After college, I had an internship and then started working in construction with my dad while I looked for jobs. Then I started my Etsy shop, and the response has been so great that it is becoming the "job" I was looking for all along. But it's still growing, so I work construction to supplement it.

How would you describe your creative process?
My mind is very visual, so I start off by doing a lot of daydreaming. I pretty much form the entire product in my head, and then go about translating that with my hands. I make prototypes, figure out what needs works/doesn't, and then revise revise revise. It's very frustrating sometimes, because you can go from loving to loathing something in a matter of minutes. However, it's by far the most rewarding thing I've done.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
The internet is a magical place. I just try to absorb as much design work as possible, and get an idea of what could be improved or what is missing. I question a lot of things. Why does everyone do this? Why do we use that material? Why do we like this and not that? Why everything? I use that information and curiosity to fuel the designs in my head.

Do you also sell your work at craft shows?
I don't currently, but I would love to add them to my business in the future.

What is your most cherished handmade item?
I hate to be THAT guy and say something of my own, but I have a really modern coffee table from a woodworking class in school that means a lot to me. Not only for the time it took, but it was also the project that got me started down the road to selling my own designs. It's kind of a benchmark piece. And it beat out two other tables to win a ribbon at the county fair. So it's kind of a big deal.

Apart from creating things, what do you like to do?
I am a connoisseur of trashy television. And I like to cook and eat. Mostly eat. But really, when I'm not creating in one medium, I'm probably creating in another. I can't get enough. 

Was there ever any other job you dreamed of having growing up?
I always wanted to be an actor. And of course, I just knew I would be famous. I even started out studying theatre, but quickly changed my mind.

Five years from now you will be…
Five years may be a little optimistic, but I would absolutely love to one day own my own real-life, brick-and-mortar store to sell my products. I definitely want to have an expanded product line, and hopefully be doing this full-time.

Describe yourself in five words:
Random. Curious. Minimal. Passionate. Gorgeous.

Carrying on with the five theme, if I were to turn on your <insert whatever type of music player you use here>, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?
Passion Pit. Bon Iver. Ellie Goulding. Jónsi. And probably some weird Swedish band. They make good music.

Lastly, do you have any advice for anyone thinking about opening their own shop or participating in craft shows?
I've heard it so many times, but just stop making excuses and do it. It won't be great at first, it might even be horrible, but it will start you down the path. You can't get anywhere when you haven't even stepped through the door. I am very proficient at procrastination, and it took me a long time to finally just get my act together. But as soon as I did, it was such a great feeling. Nothing happened for awhile, but in the blink of an eye, it was better than I could have imagined.

As an added bonus Colin is spreading holiday cheer by giving 50% off his shop (can be used on multiple items!) 

Use code "holiday2013" to get this amazingly generous discount.

Friday, November 22, 2013

fff vol 91

Favorite finds from the past week:

Etsy find of the week:

If I had a little girl (and a lot of money) this would be a must have holiday dress.

Please can I move in?

Looks like perfection to me. I love the moss on the roof too.

Get in my belly!


Outfit of the week:

Love this look. As of January 1 they are changing the dress code at my work and we can no longer wear jeans and tee shirts .. so I need to start investing in some cute pants and shirts. Believe me I'm more than covered in the cardigan department - I think I have every color ever made. But shirts and pants... not so much.

I cannot believe that it is already friday. This week flew by for me. I have been super busy crocheting up tons of wash cloths for the show that is next weekend. This weekend I will be making up extra lip balms and tattoo balm too. 

Is everyone ready for Chritmas? How is it already that time? We don't really have any money for presents this year so everyone in my family will just be getting little homemade gift baskets that I make up. Which I personally think is way better than any store bought gift anyway!

Sorry again (I'm always apologizing) for the radio silence here - but I just have been so busy trying to get everything ready for this two day show that it's taking up pretty much every waking minute (other than when I'm at work). Hope all is well with everyone. xx

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Buy Handmade vol 82

This week we are headed over to Minnesota..

Name: Peter Harren
Occupation :
Etsy Shop:

 Peter’s Garden

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a dude that’s working on Picture Books. Settling in for the long haul. Making stories and hoping for publication. I recently moved to Minnesota with my fiancé Kayla, Doodle our Coonhound, and Herman Melville our spirited and comically obese guinea pig.

When did you start creating and how long have you been on Etsy?

I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t commit to it until I was around 22. It wasn’t easy. I didn’t like a lot of my drawings, but I loved other people’s drawings. It was a long time before I started having fun with it. I opened my shop in late 2010.

How did you come up with your business name, is there any special meaning behind it?

I was reading ‘Iron John’ when I started my Etsy shop. There’s a chapter called “The Meeting with the God-Woman in the Garden” about the importance of having a figurative (or literal) garden to go for shelter and to watch things transform. Sketchbooks are my garden.

Has your Etsy shop become your full time job? If not, would you like it to be?

Etsy is not my full time job. It would definitely be an awesome full time job, but realistically it would probably be an epic struggle to maintain sales. Working on children’s books is enough of a struggle right now, so it’s nice to have Etsy in a low pressure ‘extra-credit’ place. But I still feel like some day I’d like to put everything I have into Etsy.

How would you describe your creative process?

I rarely start with an idea. I like to make a mark and let my imagination play with it until it becomes a finished drawing. Sometimes I start with an idea though. Either way, I try to keep it loose. I’m not afraid to erase, and start over. If it isn’t fun then I know I’m doing it wrong.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I read a lot, listen to a lot of music, and look at a lot of art. Silly stuff and serious stuff. Here’s a great Hunter Thompson quote about inspiration and music:
“Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.”

What is your most cherished handmade item?

I’m lucky enough to have a box full of drawings, notes and handmade books that my fiancé made for me. Also, do pancakes count?

Apart from creating things, what do you like to do?

I love running. I love bikes. I love hanging out with my lady and my dumb dog.

Was there ever any other job you dreamed of having growing up?

I think I’ve daydreamed about every job out there. Except the boring business-y jobs. I still do it all the time. I was just wondering if I’d like being a night janitor. It might be relaxing.

Five years from now you will be…

Still confused and still drawing.

Describe yourself in five words:

I’m not sure I have enough self awareness for such a task.

Carrying on with the five theme, if I were to turn on your <insert whatever type of music player you use here>, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?

‘Ootischenia’ by the Be Good Tanyas, ‘Long Shadows’ by Josh Ritter, ‘Airplanes’ by Local Natives, ‘Sweet Lies’ by Beres Hammond, ‘Weary Memory’ by Iron and Wine.

Lastly, do you have any advice for anyone thinking about opening their own shop or participating in craft shows?

Etsy is one of those rare low risk endeavors with a lot of potential. And the people who use it are really flippin’ nice.

Friday, November 15, 2013

fff vol 90

Favorite finds from the past week:

Etsy find of the week:

Starting to get into the Christmas mood. There has already been a few mornings with dustings of snow here in NY. I don't want to jinx us but I have a feeling we may finally have a snowy winter this year..

Please can I move in?

There is something awesome, yet creepy about this little house in the middle of no where..

Get in my belly!

One treat I've always wanted to try making was macarons, I need to cross that off my list of treats made this year.

Tee shirt  Outfit of the week:

I'm in love with this fancy outfit.

So this past week was pretty eventful. In both good and bad ways. The good - long overdue promotion at work! Woo hoo! The bad - our furnace died the same day. 

We had to order a part online for the furnace - luckily the weather has taken a turn for the better these next few days so it shouldn't dip below 30 at night and my parent's friend let us borrow this awesome portable heater that works really well. Believe me, its still cold in the house but its doable until the part comes in. Crazy week!

I'm just getting ready for a upcoming craft show at the end of the month. So lots of soap making and crocheting wash cloths in my future..

What has everyone else been up to? Have a great weekend.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Buy Handmade vol 81

This week we head to Austin, TX..

Name: Silvia Nikolov
Age: 30
Occupation: Designer, Founder & Owner of Sivani Designs

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Silvia and I am the owner, founder and designer of Sivani Designs - a collection of handmade accessories for the urban lifestyle (bags, toiletry bags, wallets, and jewelry). I am committed to handmade, made in the USA, high-quality products that would last for generations. Because of the nature of my materials (genuine leather and waxed cotton canvas) and the fact that each product is handmade to order, each item has its own unique look and unique soul. I source my materials from American manufacturers and suppliers and work hard to present and preserve the true beauty and the true properties of each textile and each piece of leather.
When did you start creating and how long have you been on Etsy?
I've always loved working with my hands and seeing something (a product) coming to live out of raw materials and supplies. I don't recall a period of my life, starting from a very early age, when I've not been involved in something creative. I am not joking when I say that my fashion story began when I turned one.

Sivani Designs started as a hobby back in 2006, sparked by my need to find an avenue for my creativity. In the beginning I was making beaded bracelets and necklaces for myself and Ivan (my hubby). Around that time, with Ivan's help, we put up a website portfolio showcasing my work. Beaded bracelets and necklaces were just the start but my line quickly evolved into fashionable jewelry for men, handmade from high quality materials – genuine leather and sterling silver. That was back in 2008 and was the real start of Sivani and my own E-commerce website followed by my Etsy shop in 2009. In 2012 I finally found my true calling and expanded my full fashion jewelry line to include hand-stitched leather wallets and hand-crafted toiletry bags.

How did you come up with your business name, is there any special meaning behind it?
The name of the business is a simple formula that incorporates my own name but also the name of my hubby – it is formed by the first two letters of my three names – SIlvia VAlerieva NIkolov but also incorporates my hubby's name right in the middle sIVANi.

Has your Etsy shop become your full time job? If not, would you like it to be?

Sivani Designs is my full time job. I tend to look at Sivani Designs as a brand and not just an Etsy store or website  – together, all of online efforts, keep me, my husband, and my wonderful mom-in-low, very busy.

How would you describe your creative process?

I am a very visual person, however, I don't like sketching. I rarely sketch. I have a vision in mind that forms by me touching, feeling, and matching my materials based on their colors and properties. Most of the times I design based on function and organization – I know what I want to achieve as far as function and then bring the design to live.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

My materials and nature. I've always been addicted to all natural materials, shapes, and forms. My other passion is made in the United States. I love the fact that by sourcing my materials from US manufacturers and suppliers, I support them in their efforts to keep their manufacturing local, which creates job opportunities and helps the economy recover. The same applies to my own business – by me hand-making everything here, in the US, I will soon be able to create a few jobs myself.

Do you also sell your work at craft shows? (If so- answer the following questions)

I personally have not considered selling at craft shows. However, I was just approached by another local Austin brand, Doc Elliot men's grooming company. We've formed a very exciting collaboration and we'll be offering a combined gift set for him – Sivani's original dopp kit and Doc Elliot's shaving set at the local Renegade fare on November 30th. This will be my first experience with craft shows.
What is your most cherished handmade item?

I would have to say my dopp kit. It is the epiphany of what I've always pictured myself doing – sewing, creating something beautiful, durable and functional that would be transferred from one generation to another, and will always be needed.

Apart from creating things, what do you like to do?

That's a very hard question as I am a workaholic. If I don't work on fulling my orders and creating new designs, I am working on my websites, bettering my photography, product presentation, creating partnerships, marketing, and so on and so on. At the stage of my business, I have no time and desire for anything else. My husband and I have to force ourselves to take at least the Saturday half off, get out, and do nothing (a very hard thing to do :)

Was there ever any other job you dreamed of having growing up?

Nope, I am living my dream. Here is a little story that I like to tell: in first grade and in a drawing class, I was drawing sketches of models in fashion clothes. My teacher asked me: “So, Silvia, what will you be when you grow up?” I simply pointed towards my drawings and said: “A fashion designer.”

Five years from now you will be…

Still growing my business to new levels and possibilities and tapping to new markets. On a personal note – growing my family :)
Describe yourself in five words:

creative, positive, determined, perfectionist, moderator
Carrying on with the five theme, if I were to turn on your <Pandora radio>, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?

Passenger, Florence + The Machine, Coldplay, Fiona Apple, Hooverphonic
Lastly, do you have any advice for anyone thinking about opening their own shop or participating in craft shows?

Love what you do, be excited about your products, never stop improving, be true to yourself but always listen to the feedback from your customers, listen to your gut feeling, never give up on yourself and your vision.

Friday, November 08, 2013

fff vol 89

Favorite finds from the past week:

Etsy find of the week:

These are so awesome. Whenever I think of patches I remember my
"brownies" sash with all my patches I collected. Yes I was a teeny tiny brownie - I should find that picture and share it. I was so little compared to all my friends.

Please can I move in?

Ah yes. I could definitely live here.

Get in my belly!

This looks super yummy, mush get some squash at the farmers market this weekend..

Tee shirt Outfit of the week:

Love this relaxed look.

So I have been trying to get in touch with the people at the indoor market and have not been having any luck. So this weekend I may not be vending, but maybe it will be nice to take the day and go and walk around the new market- and hopefully get signed up to vend at the next one on the 23rd.

Nothing else is really planned, its been cold and rainy in these parts - plus getting dark early. Makes me just put on my pajamas after work and not do much of anything except be a lazy bum. Anyone else get like this!?

How has everyone been - I feel I've been MIA and Im not sure if anyone is even reading this little blog. Let me know you all still exist out there! Have  agreat weekend, all!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Buy Handmade vol 80

This week we are in Barcelona, Spain..

Name: Montse
Age: 42
Occupation: Architect
Etsy Shop:  mari cati monsina

Tell us a little about yourself.
Hi, everyone. My name is Montse. I am an architect who lives in Barcelona, Spain with my husband and our one-year-old baby girl, Maria. I combine some paid work with caring for my baby and my crochet.

When did you start creating and how long have you been on Etsy?
I’ve been creating all my life. Since I was a child I enjoyed making crafts, drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing or knitting ... everything I could make with my hands and my imagination. Come to my mind memories about myself sewing with my mother’s machine a dress for my favourite doll or sculping in clay my own toys. 

I knew Etsy four years ago, first as a fan, I got fascinated for Etsians talent, and since 2011, when I got pregnant, as a shop owner.

How did you come up with your business name, is there any special meaning behind it?
My shop’s name is ... just my name: Mari Cati Monsina, tough with the peculiarity that I discovered my third name only 12 years ago when I decided to get married. I found that I have a third baptism name ‘Catherine’ so ... Cati. And Monsina because I am fondly of the name that my daddy use to call me instead of Montse. 

Has your Etsy shop become your full time job? If not, would you like it to be?
Nowadays, Etsy for me is just a hobby. But, I have to recognize that it would be great to spend your full time doing things that you truly love. In our society you have to be brave to do it.

How would you describe your creative process?
I don’t follow any strict methodology process.  Sometimes, after having an idea I begin the search of a material. Other times, it is the material which gives me an idea for using it.
When I’m working in something that I use to do many times sometimes appear something new that likes me and just have to improve it.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Inspiration is all around, comes from everything and everywhere. Maybe you’re shopping, reading a magazine, browsing on the internet  blogs or pinterest, even when you’re doing irrelevant things, a good idea or tip can come to your mind. After that if I need,  I draw a first sketch in a notebook .  I have hundred of ideas.

What is your most cherished handmade item?
While I was pregnant I made a crocheted granny blanket for my baby. This was the first thing that I made for her and I know that it will be something to keep and remember all my life.

Apart from creating things, what do you like to do?
In my free time I also like doing crafts. I have a long list with lots of DIY waiting its turn. Apart from that I like photography, photoshop, watercolor or reading. In fact, nowadays I don’t do any of them, I just have enough time to be a mom!

Was there ever any other job you dreamed of having growing up?
I like very much drawing and painting. Sometimes I’ve thought I should do something related with that but just for kids. Maybe illustrations for books or wall painting.When I was pregnant I enjoyed so much painting some figures in my baby’s room although I was really fat.

Describe yourself in five words:
Perfectionist, dreamer, loyal, determined,  stubborn.

Carrying on with the five theme, if I were to turn on your ipod, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?
Cold Play, Adele, U2, El canto del loco, David Guetta, MatchBox 20.

Lastly, do you have any advice for anyone thinking about opening their own shop or participating in craft shows?
I say just ... do it. It’s really gratifying to see as people appreciate what you do, love it and even pay for it. Internet gave us the opportunity to make it easy, just take advantage
 Images are very important in the network so pay special attention with the photos you’ll show. I like also to take care of packaging ... I think it says a lot about a person.

Montse also wanted to share with all our readers a discount code for this week! 15% anything in her shop using: VERANELLIES15

Friday, November 01, 2013

fff vol 88

Favorite finds from the past week:

Etsy find of the week:

How awesome to have a snow globe on your finger?! I would be playing with it all day long and never get anything done ever again.

Please can I move in?

Yes, pretty please?!

Get in my belly!

As I have said many, many times. I could love off of potatoes. Yum!!

Tee shirt Outfit of the week:

Awesome outfit, bring on the snow.

So not much happening in these parts. Just been making lots of soap, watching Walking Dead and being lazy on these rainy nights we've been having here in NY.

What's everyone been up to? Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods?