Favorite finds from the last week:
1. Etsy find of the week:
I'm in love with these adorable socks. How amazing are these!? They have other super cute socks too. If you are a sock person too..go check them out!
2. Blog of the week:
I found this blog this past week and was in awe as I read her "about" page. This section particularly:
"the dirt life is about simplicity. a long-distance hiker owns only what they carry, and are willing to sacrifice what they don't need for things that they do. they've mastered the balance between luxury and necessity. and owning little opens the dam to gratefulness in a way that's rather surprising. finally, and frankly, the switch of focus from what they don't have to what they do, is a little something we all need flicked. we spend way too much money and save too little. besides that, we live in a country that encourages us to live above our means. excess never produces good results. limiting ourselves to what we really need, along with afforded luxuries, isn't restrictive. it's simplistic.
This is how I live my life and it's an amazing feeling when you find someone else like minded. She seems like such an amazing person with awesome travel stories - two long distance hikes- the Appalachian trail and the Pacific Crest trail. I'm smitten. Go check out her story..
3. Please can I move in?
Being just a few days before Christmas, I had to pick a Christmas themed room! This one is perfect. I think mainly because that tree is amazing! We didn't get a tree this year, but next year..next year i want THAT tree!
4. Get in my belly...
Oh yes..I WILL be making these and you will all be very jealous!
5. Tee shirt of the week from ModCloth
Comfy and cute rolled into one. I love it and want to wear it right now!
The next four days are going to be insanely busy. Last minute finishes to presents. Last Farmers Market of the year (and for over a month as they are on hiatus in January) Working some over time (ugh) Meeting with the people that want to have my soaps in their new shop. Making soaps because I'm super low on stock. Then Christmas! How on earth is it already Christmas?! Like Tuesday! This coming Tuesday. So insane.
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend (I'm off both Monday and Tuesday this coming week and next woo hoo!!)
Last minute Christmas plans?! What's everyone doing?
gypsyinjasper 44p · 638 weeks ago
Good luck with everything this weekend. xxx
P.S. I LOVED YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD! Thanks so much for the soaps and the card. I'm pumped to get winter mint into my shower. What a refreshing way to start the day!
veranellies 79p · 638 weeks ago
Glad you liked the card and your soaps! I got your picture the other day, its awesome and posted on my fridge haha
mel · 638 weeks ago
mel ;o)
needle and nest
veranellies 79p · 638 weeks ago
happy holidays to you and your mini family =)
Bethany · 638 weeks ago
I've got 3 families to go see on Monday and Tuesday.
veranellies 79p · 638 weeks ago
have fun family hopping. we are going to my parents the afternoon of christmas day, then my sister's the night of christmas - then next weekend the in-laws out toward Boston..busy busy!
have a great hoiliday!!