Monday, December 03, 2012

Let the demoing begin

For a while now, people ask me all the time to take a peek into my home. People I've met through this blog, neighbors, friends, family and even people passing by my house. I guess because the outside is so interesting looking. It does draw you in and looks enchanting. To be honest I'm embarrassed by my home, and have been since moving in.

I don't let anyone in. My family doesn't even come by. I've lived here almost 10 years now (how did that happen?!) and I can count on one hand the amount of times my sister has been inside my house. She lives less than 15 minutes away. 

But all that is about to change. We are taking charge. I think for the last many years we have been overwhelmed with the daunting thoughts of HOW much needed to be done to this house and just sort of gave up. It's still overwhelming but we are going to push past that and try to get this house a home we can be proud of. A home we can invite friends over for dinner and not be embarrassed by having people over.

So it began.. the day after Thanksgiving.  X marks the spot.

This is what it looked like. This is the room we have called our bedroom since moving in. Luckily it was the only room the completely covered with horrible 70's wood paneling. There are also a lot of doors in this room. Three to be exact. Which is a lot for a room that is only 11 x 15. We are leaving two in. It's not in the above picture (because we knew we were taking it out - but another door goes from the bedroom the the dining room. By removing that door - it will give us a totally solid wall in the room.

I'm not sure if you know what "balloon ceilings are" but this house has them in every room. Basically its a very thick stretched canvas covering the ceiling. They used them in the 1800's on houses that were near railroads. This way if any of the plaster fell - it would fall into the canvas, and not on your head. (This is also the reason they had canopy beds - not necessarily because of passing trains obviously - but just so that while you were sleeping no loose plaster could fall on your head! (ok end of random history lesson) Anyway. These were never cared for and are FULL of plaster also this one had this weird patch. I joked it was a soccer ball they stuffed up there to fill the hole.

The one thing I find interested are the wallpapers that were in this house. This room had awesome wallpaper that I never even knew about!

It was a southern plantation type of paper? How amazing. Can you imagine what this would have looked like completely covering all the walls and being in pristine shape?!

so this room, once everything is done and we can actually move our bedroom upstairs, will become my "soap workshop". It will be all wall shelves, I'm thinking something on these lines? 

However we end up doing it, I'm just plain excited that a room is finally going to be completed.

Keep checking back on the progress. I'm hoping to be able to have weekly updates.

Sorry for the dark photos, that room has always been really dark - it didn't help that when he was working in there it was a very dark and snowy, gloomy day out.

Happy Monday, I have a short work week this week as I have friday off. Then Saturday will be vending at the farmers market. Have a great week everyone!

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Yay! I'm stoked to see you guys getting busy on the house. I remember telling me that it was a fixer upper that never seemed to feel finished or homey. I can't wait to see how things come together. I love that shelving unit you showed. I also love the idea of you having your own room for creating!! So awesome.
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
thanks - it will be a while before i'll have that room as my own tho. see what needs to happen is that once the room is done. the bedroom will move back in there while we finish the rest of the downstairs. the reason we can't finish the upstairs right now is there is a leak in our roof and it has ruined the sheetrock we have already hung in what will eventually be our bedroom. soooo.. we figured - maybe if we get the downstairs fully complete then we can try to get a home equity loan to fix the roof - THEN we can finish upstairs. because unless you know someone that wants to donate 25,000$ to fix my roof.. there is no other way we can figure it out. so... long story short.. it may be a bit before that room is fully mine!
Wow! I know the denial that happens when we have things to fix in the house. Totally overwhelming! I'm honored to be one of the people who have actually been inside your home! Even in it's fixer upper state your cute style shines through. So how long do you estimate it will take this room to be completed? Also, where are you sleeping now?
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
you of all people actually know the stress that is my house ! (needs: roof, electrical, plumbing, siding, porch roof, porch floor, fixing of bricks, complete gutting, new heating and refinishing inside...) if it were a "normal" house - i could deal with one or two things (though i'm sure i'd still be stressed to no end!) - the stuff that normal homeowners go through.. but when your ENTIRE house is falling down around just go into this denial mode. makes me miss the renting stage a bit! i will say this - to who ever is reading do NOT and i repeat do NOT buy a home that needs complete and total gutting/(rebuilding basically) unless 1. you are flithy rich and can afford someone to do it all for you 2. are completely crazy and love living in plaster dust for 10+ years

we currently have moved our bedroom to the front living room! we threw away that couch and chair/ottoman because the dogs had completely wrecked them and now get to watch our daily netflix intake on the 110" screen out there .. so thats pretty cool! but yeah - our bedroom is right in the open. not like it matters..because well the only person that ever comes over is (or allowed over) is erick. i'm hoping we can have it done by summer. i know that is a very lofty goal. but a couple months on each room down here seems doable. see what i really want to do is get the whole first floor done and invite my parents over for dinner and when they come in they will be in COMPLETE shock and awe! thats my goal (my parents don't know about my blog- so i should be safe writing about the renovations without them finding out.
I can understand people asking to come into your home, the exterior and the landscaping is so beautiful! I can also understand the frustration and embarrassment of having a home that needs lots of work! My house needs sooo many repairs, not to mention the parts that are just plain ugly. I have a couple of rooms with that awful paneling, a kitchen ceiling that is some kind of acoustic tile, except where the chimney used to go through, and that spot is actually covered with cardboard! The list goes on and on! I am glad you are going to be able to make at least part of it how you want it, and eventually it will all be a gorgeous home you will be proud to show off, and you will have the satisfaction of having done it yourselves!
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
thank you, it's nice to know that someone understands the feeling i described. i think what makes it "shameful" or embarrassing for me is the fact that i grew up in an extremely perfect and beautiful home. i home with three magazines perfectly placed on coffee tables, rooms that were cleaned and vacuumed daily, and sometimes twice a day. a house that had rooms we simply we not allowed to step foot into. when i look around my home, all i hear is my mother's voice saying things like "i didn't raise you to live like this" or "why is this not done yet" i don't think she realizes how hurtful these comments are. that if i had the resources (ie money) i would be living in a beautiful home as well. i've always placed super crazy expectations on myself. and to know that i am obviously failing my parents in this way is extremely frustrating. i guess when it comes down to it..i've felt like ive been failing myself as well. im hoping that with these renovations i can get a piece back of myself..a little slice of happiness and finally be proud of something i've accomplished as an adult.
It is hard, and frustrating as hell, and expensive, but it is totally worth it in the end. Just remember that these things take time, and you don't usually have to rush it. But, on that same note, don't drag out the projects for forever. I have things around my house that we started two years ago but still aren't finished. Oh, and I suggest getting a big ass dumpster and renting a wallpaper steamer. Totally worth it! Good luck! You have a lovely house, now slowly but surely the inside can match the outside! Love your shelf idea!
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
dumpster is already full in the driveway, we can't demo without a dumpster! =) and no wallpaper steamer needed because- well the walls are all being taken down ;) the lath and plaster is pretty much ruined and crumbling - keep reading for more updated posts- you'll see our progress!

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