Hi, and welcome to what will become my new blog home. It's currently under major construction while I figure out how to code my own site. It may take a little bit, but I'll get it.
My blog is going to be a place for me to write about my many passions including all things vintage, handmade crafty goodness, baking obsessions and my two new business ventures. I currently reside in Upstate NY in an old Victorian home from 1870 with my husband, whom I have always affectionately called "mister" or "K" (his real name is Kevin - but I have never been able to bring myself to call him that), my 10 year old scottie - Lola, 5 year old red tick coon hound - Polly, and newest edition (a Christmas present from mister) a 15 week old miniature wienie puppy named Ella.
We are currently under major renovations and have been gutting our home. I'm sure more will be addressed as I go! Two new additions have been - one for mister and one for me. He converted an old shed like room that is attached off our kitchen that leads outside into his motorcycle shop. He loves old motorcycles and will be starting up a new business to build his own bikes. Pretty cool! I'll have to post pictures of his shop - because well I'm sure his little space is not what people normally think of when you say "motorcycle shop".
The second addition is a glass studio we built in our backyard. It's a little spot for me to work on my glass work - flameworking and glassblowing. It's almost complete - moldings are the last step that need to go up then I can start moving in my stuff. I still need to buy a few things but ran out of money. I stopped counting how much the shop actually cost to put up once I was at double what I budgeted for! I'm hoping to possibly go on kickstarter to help fund the kiln and a few small pieces I still need.
So one of the business ventures I am working on is called "VeraNellies" - I have always had a love of vintage goodies. I have a mega collection of 50's cat eye glasses, my grandmother's old broaches, tin lunchboxes, pyrex, and other fun kitchen ware. Mister and I love going antiquing and spending hours rummaging through old treasures. I also love crafty projects. I have taught myself how to knit, sew, crochet, hang sheet rock - you name it and I have tried it! I also LOVE baking. I even had a plan to start a traveling food truck selling whoopie pies. So I want to take all three of these major loves and combine them into one venture. A shop selling handpicked vintage goodness, handmade items made with love from myself and others that would like to consign or wholesale to me, and an added bonus (once I get a brick and mortar) a very small sweets shop incorporated into the store. What is better than eating a cupcake while shopping for amazing treasures!? A little history regarding where the "VeraNellies" name came from: the merging of both grammas' names. One being "Vera" - she was my mother's mom. She was short and plump and taught me everything I know about baking. I can still picture her dancing and singing in her kitchen while we made apple pies singing "5'2" and eyes of blue.." She once told me the song was written for her. My other gramma was my father's mother, Nellie. Sadly I wasn't as close with her but the main thing I remember about her is that she wore a different broach everyday. I never saw her wearing the same one twice. When she passed away, my parents gave me all her jewelry. The pieces above are a few of my favorite pieces that I wear often.
The second business venture in which I will post, I'm sure, weekly, if not daily rants about is my glass studio. "Three.One.Seven Glassworks" I will be creating marbles (I have a vintage stash of these from my grandfather), pendants, paperweights and my own line of plugs and body jewelry (I have 26mm holes in my ears).
I am so excited for this year. I have dubbed it "the year of Trisha" for so long I put everyone else before myself and before what I wanted to accomplish. I'm now in my 30's and my attitude is - I can't keep waiting any longer!
So I think that should do it for now! Thank you for stopping by, I hope that I will be able to entertain you in the future. If you need to reach me - please feel free. I am open to any questions or comments. And again, please bare with my mess as I construct and get this blog visually looking the way I want it to. (any help is greatly appreciated!!)