Favorite finds from the last week:
Etsy find of the week:
A little self promotion can't hurt anyone right? To be perfectly honest I haven't spent much time in the internet this week. I've had a relaxing week of mostly crocheting, making soap and shipping out a couple orders. So I figured in spirit of my shop opening I'd post up one of my favorite soaps.
Please can I move in?
We've been talking and thinking (ie. dreaming) of our perfect house in the country..and well.. this pretty much fits the mold of how I envision said "perfect/dream home"
Get in my belly...
I love blueberry muffins. That is probably an understatement. If I wanted to I could probably eat an entire dozen of blueberry muffins and not think twice about it, I love them THAT much. Which is why, I made 2 dozen last weekend and there are currently only three left. Granted I had help eating those delicious muffins .. I think tomorrow I may need to make more now that I'm thinking about it! Yes..more muffins..
Tee shirt of the week from Maiden Voyage Clothing
I've talked about this Etsy shop in the past. I love their designs. I'd love to add this shirt to my collection.
I cannot believe this week has already flown by. Most every vacation I take I have plans and projects for each day. I almost feel like I'm still working and never truly just taking a break. While this vacation started out that way. Some of my projects I wanted to complete just couldn't happen because the dumpster people never called me back. So instead of stress out and work during my vacation, I slept in (a teeny bit - was usually still up and doing things by 7-7:30) and then spent my days working on a special secret project while watching way too many episodes of Greys Anatomy on Netflix. I never had watched that show when we had "tv". But I heard all the chatter about it over the years..so I figured why not? Let me say it has been my guilty pleasure all week, watching episode after episode while working on said secret project.
Argh..I so do not want Monday to come and my life to be back to the normal "grind". For months and months I haven't felt myself. I've felt so miserable and just plain depressed about everything and I think the major component is my day job. I'm really looking hard for a change. But in this economy still haven't found a replacement yet. Wouldn't it be nice if The Hive could have just been an overnight success and been a replacement income for my current one? Ah...dreaming again....
Plans for this coming weekend?? I believe here is supposed to be back to rain and cold..so that will mean baking, crocheting and making soap for me.. not a bad way to spend the last couple days of my vacation if you ask me.
Gypsy in Jasper · 647 weeks ago
I hope you enjoy your last few days of freedom. xx
veranellies 79p · 647 weeks ago
Bethany · 647 weeks ago
Ooh, I love that house and the narwhal shirt!
veranellies 79p · 647 weeks ago