This week we had an amazing "take" at the Farmer's Market. Empire apples (for an apple pie I'm baking my dad right now, Happy Birthday Dad!), fresh eggs, pull apart rolls, baby potatoes, carrots, Honey Crisp apples, tomatoes, squash, green beans, hamburg (for amazing meatloaf the mister made last night), Lamb chops (never had them - has anyone ever had lamb??) and pork chops.
We still had a whole chicken from last week and we had spaghetti squash that was dinner on Saturday. The farmer's market is only two more weekends. How did this season go by so fast?! There is an indoor market that is two Saturdays a month during the winter - so we will be going to those starting in November.
The weather the past few days has been so bizarre, rainy and cold in the mornings and then round 11am or so, it clears up and gets up in the low 70's! I'm not's just bizarre weather. This week I'm on vacation (yes, again!). Today has been apple pie baking and creating a sales sheet for the mister to take into his work. It lists all my soaps, lip balms and washcloths with a brief description and then a sales order. He works with a girl I went to high school with and she has taken it upon herself to be my marketer at his work! She sent out an email to the entire company telling them about my goodies and hopefully it turns into a few sales for me.
I'm thinking about paying for the "search ads" on Etsy. Has anyone done those and if so, seen any upswing in sales. So far I've only had 158 views and one sale. I know, I know. It's only been 3 days! But you guys know me... I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get my name out there. Next month I'm going to sponsor a few blogs and hopefully that will also generate some traffic. Any other ideas??
Alright, I'm off to work on a special Christmas present I've been working on and relax for a little bit before heading out to dinner with my parents.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday.
Gypsy in Jasper · 647 weeks ago
I did a paid thing on Etsy and I definitely got a ton of page views and no sales. But, I think that is in part due to what I was selling. I feel like your product is a heck of a lot more marketable.
As far as getting more views and sales, I would say do a giveaway on a larger blog. I think that would require sponsoring them first. A giveaway is a great way to get a bunch of eyes on your stuff.
I hope things pick up for you. I tweeted about your black forest cake chapstick and also put a plug in on my FB the day you opened.
I promise to write you a little review when my package arrives and hopefully that will help, as well. Plus, once I know what you sent me, I will also know what else I NEED to buy for myself. :) You definitely have a sale coming from this girl. I can promise you that. (My eyes are on the grapefruit soap and the black forest cake chapstick!!)
veranellies 79p · 647 weeks ago
Lets just say you won't need to be ordering any lip balm any time soon ;) I have such a horrible memory I've already forgotten what else I stuck in the package! hahah damn this getting old stuff!
Bethany · 647 weeks ago
Sandra · 647 weeks ago
veranellies 79p · 647 weeks ago
Thank you, my older brother and sister and myself and our significant others and all my sister's kids (she has 4) went out to dinner with my parents. I can report that it wasn't too bad! The kids didn't scream or make a fuss once! And the group of 12 was relatively quiet! Something that usually never occurs!
Happy birthday to your daughter today!!
FormerlyLisaS · 647 weeks ago
I am making a shopping list for YOUR store as we speak, and also thinking of potential Christmas presents. I love to give handmade soap at Christmas!
veranellies 79p · 647 weeks ago
Kayla · 647 weeks ago
veranellies 79p · 647 weeks ago
Kayla · 647 weeks ago
11 tips for a successful first year on Etsy -
I'm rootin' for ya! <3