Over the past few weeks the mister and I have done a lot of soul searching and a lot of talking about where we want our lives to be and what we want out of life. It's an amazing feeling to be completely on the same page as your "life mate".
My vacation came at just the right time. I was/am completely burnt out and stressed out regarding my day job and really want a change toward a simpler life. When I reflect and think about what I wanted from my life, even 5 years ago, it is so vastly different than what I want from it today.
I have always been a perfectionist and extremely competitive with myself, always pushing myself to do more and strive for more. This is especially true when it comes to employment. I always push myself to learn everything about the company, its products and I'm always a step ahead of whats expected out of me. Sort of like the "dress for the position you want, not the position you're in" except I don't necessarily dress differently - but I perform differently. I've always pushed myself to be the top at what I do. But with this need to push myself comes a lot of stress. A lot of stress I don't need.
I'm not working in a field that I went to school for or that I am passionate about. Doing the "Behind the Scenes" feature has made me take a look at my life and realize and CAN work for myself, it's just going to take a lot of hard work to get there...and exposure.
My passion is creating. Baking, crocheting, making soaps, and working with glass (which I need to start doing again!). My other passion is my mini family, my husband and our three four legged furry children. I just want our little house in the woods, spending my days creating with the girls and nights hanging out and enjoying life..
So I'm saying it here, and I'm saying it now. I want and need to change my life. Our goal is to fix up our home enough to be able to sell it and move to the country. I possibly may be making some sacrifices so that we can get to this goal sooner, unless people want to start a charity fund for us. I'm not too proud to accept donations toward our house fixing! Because I have NO clue where and how to come up with 20,000$ to fix a leaking roof. How is a roof 20,000?!? We are stuck here til its fixed (among other projects) So this means lots of cash will be needed. My sacrifice is me. Posting and applying for jobs that I know will come with lots of stress, but also come with a larger paycheck. My goal is two years. In two years to have saved and fixed enough to be able to get to our dream living. I think its reasonable. Again, unless someone out there reading is either looking to buy a Victorian with "character" or wants to donate to our charity...two years. you heard it here...no take backs.
gypsyinjasper 44p · 646 weeks ago
veranellies 79p · 645 weeks ago