I just need to say that I have some of the BEST blogging buddies anyone can ask for. When I started this blog I never imagined I would have made some of the friendships I have made. Not to go all mushy on you guys. But it's so awesome, the "power of the internets"! People I never would have been able to meet are now good friends..so it's super cool. I love this little community we have formed (I sound like I'm repeating Nicole's sentiments. But I truly feel the same way) and hope it just keeps expanding. So thank you to all that read and stop by, and thank you to all who have left comments and shared snippets of your lives with me as well.
So, that all being said..on to the goods...
A few weeks ago I sent a package out of my new shop goodies to my buddy, Nicole. Seeing that I sent her EVERY flavor of lip balm, she decided she wanted to share the love and do a giveaway with some of the goodies.
Up for grabs are: Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla and Cherry.
You can head right on over HERE for your chance to win! I may be also doing another giveaway of my own very soon and one on another loved blog as well. So keep your eyes peeled!
And don't forget you can head over to The Hive Botanicals at any time to get your fill as well.
Good luck everyone!!
Katie · 645 weeks ago