Etsy find of the week:
I don't have any miniature humans, but if I did this would be mine. I almost want to buy it, just to have in my house because it's so darn cool.
Please can I move in?
Yes, I'll even take the furry creature on the front stoop.
Get in my belly!
Oh My Goodness! I don't think I need to say anything else.
Tee shirt of the week:
This shop has some pretty funny tee-shirts. I like the mens better then womens though because it looks like your boobs would be falling out of the womens shirts. hahah
Weekend plans?
Me..same ol' same ol - farmers market on Saturday. I had a great weekend last week. Fingers crossed for hopefully another great weekend.
Not too much else on the agenda. Get out in the gardens. Things are getting wild out there. I also still need to create my labels for my deodorants. need to get those in the shop because I have perfected the recipe and am super impressed with them!
Your plans?