Favorite finds from the last week:
1. Etsy find of the week:
This set of six tumblers. Super cute. I want them!!
2. Blog of the week:
3. Please can I move in?
With my recent plant luck, I am now obsessed with plants and want them everywhere in my home. Then I came across this room and couldn't stop staring at every detail. I am smitten with everything in this room, right down to the rusty little childrens pedal car. Perfection.
4. Get in my belly...
I love peaches. Yum Yum Yum. I also love nectarines. I wonder if I combined peaches and nectarines.. I think it just might make the perfect, super delicious muffin.
So I don't have just one shirt to share with you this week because I couldn't possibly narrow it down. There are even a few more designs than I put on here. But these are some of my favorites from Jeremyville's collection. The "stuff happens" shirt WILL be in my collection soon!
The past couple weeks have been insanely busy. Just trying to finish up everything to get ready for this show. I ordered my lip balm labels (check out my post tomorrow to see the final design) and now I just need to make lots and lots of balms. Still have to create and print all my soap labels..finish crocheting my scrubbies.. create my blackboard for the booth. I ordered my business cards (check tomorrow's post as well). So with all this going on I've been bad - haven't been good at keeping up with my favorite blogs, have slacked on writing back emails (if I owe you one I promise to write you soon!) and one special Canadian is still waiting on a hand written letter from me (I promise it's coming!)
Lots of promises! But once things get settled and slow down around here I will get back on track and hopefully will feel like my head isn't going in 50 million directions at once. I'm so excited to get everything in and start selling. Start making some spare money and start on my path to hopefully finding my way out..(like the tee-shirt above)
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Plans?
Stephanie Ann · 651 weeks ago
veranellies 79p · 651 weeks ago
Kayla · 651 weeks ago
Good luck with crunch time, and I'll be sure to pick up one of your lip balms when the shop opens. Yay for handmade, natural deliciousness! <3
veranellies 79p · 651 weeks ago