As for the labels. "Number One" was the winning vote from everyone online and all my friends and family.
I don't know, there was just something about them that I wasn't in love with. Something was off. So I took a couple days and hemmed and hawed....and then came up with the final label. Had I had more time, I'm sure they probably would have been changed again! But I was in a time crunch, labels NEEDED to be ordered. As it is I'm really pushing it and they will get here just days before the show!
I really like the final outcome. A little more vibrant and the lettering won't confuse anyone. I would think now people would know how to hold the label to read it. Apparently there was confusion on the others?! I guess when you are the creator of things sometimes it's confusing why others don't get your vision! But last thing I want is any confusion! So we rectified that possible mishap. I ordered them from Frontier Label. I love that company. They are who I used when I had Bill Pickles Dog Co. I ordered them on Recycled paper so I think the background won't be stark white, I'm excited to see them. I'm always nervous until I have the final outcome in my hand. But this was a big expense I laid out for these so I have my fingers and toes crossed that everything comes out perfect and that they are centered and beautiful!
In other creating news - I made up my business cards. I don't know how this happened but it was quick and pretty painless creating them.
Here is the front:
and the back: (may look a little weird- its just the white goes all the way out and the fonts are in the center of the card)
I really like them a lot. I like the simplicity and use of just black and white. I was screwing around with the fronts for quite some time and then I just created these and loved them. At times simple and to the point is the best way to go.
Everything is coming together. This weekend will be massive lip balm making. I don't have a ton of containers, only enough to make roughly 25 of each flavor. I have no clue what this show will bring. It could be a complete bust or a gold mine. It really is going to solely depend on the weather. Good vibes need to be sent to Oneida NY for Columbus Day weekend that there is NO rain!!
I still have lots to do. Here is my current checklist:
- Make and package lip balms
- Label and seal lip balms (I ordered awesome little wraps to shrink wrap the balms!)
- Finalize the soap label
- Print and label all soaps
- Finish crocheting washcloths
- Create chalk board
- Finalize display set up
- Take pictures of all products for Etsy shop
Getting exciting! The Etsy shop will go live the Monday following the show and will be stocked with whatever I have remaining. I'm already coming up with a few different ideas on soaps and already know which ones I'm not really fond of and won't be making again. If anyone has any requests on soaps send them my way. I'm more than willing to entertain different combinations!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Gypsy in Jasper · 650 weeks ago
Eeeee. Good luck with your to do list. I'm sending tons of motivation and love. xx
veranellies 79p · 650 weeks ago
one time when i received my order of cards they had the backs flipped the other direction and they were off center and so the whole side was completely cut off. it was a nightmare. i had needed them immediately for a show i was doing and luckily they made it right and they paid for overnight shipping and got them to me the day before the show! so now - i always panic! haha
Stephanie Ann · 650 weeks ago
Stephanie Ann · 650 weeks ago
veranellies 79p · 650 weeks ago
Emma Deer 30p · 650 weeks ago