Monday, January 21, 2013


(Profile of extremely tiny feet with a purple toe - that weird crease is from my sock My big toe is not deformed in any way)

Thinking about: Too many things. My brain never shuts off. Looking at the picture above, I'm thinking about how weird feet are. Yesterday, while not paying attention, one of the andirons that I use to hold a cabinet door closed tipped and fell smack on my big toe. Pain. Lots of pain was had! It actually hurt the entire day. Now I have a nice purple splotch on my toe nail and my toe is still very puffy and red. Oi! 

Watching: At this very moment old episodes of American Pickers on our apple tv thingie-ma-bob. We have also started watching Lost Girl on Netflix. We're on season one. It's not too bad. The name of the show is a little silly. "Lost Girl" would definitely not have been my choice of names, but ah well. It's interesting so far. I tried to get into American Horror Story. I've heard lots of people rave about it and I love horror/scary movies so you would think I wouldn't be able to get enough of it, but I barely made it through the first episode. I don't know, I thought it was terrible. 

Reading: Nothing at the moment. I need to get to the library. Make some suggestions.

Listening: Lola snoring and Polly and Ella running around trying to get my attention because they want to be fed.

Wearing: Army pants, green Gama-Go tee-shirt with owls, old JCrew camel colored sweater cute socks (see above)

Making: I've been working on new soap labels for two more new soaps (more to come in the next few weeks on these two special soaps)

Anticipating: Having an extra day off this week. I love Monday holidays. Weekends seem to go by much too fast, if only every week could be a three day weekend. Work would be so much better!

Planning: New blog posts and a relaxing evening crocheting a blanket for my mother

Loving: That there are still some genuinely amazing and giving people out there. It's really refreshing and inspiring. Also I'm loving the crazy haircut I gave Miss Lola yesterday. Her hair gets very tangled and full of dreadlocks - so I take out some of my old scissors from my short/ non-existent stent of being a hair dresser and snip away. Gotta get my use out of $600 scissors somewhere!   

I've been seeing these posts for quite a few months and always love reading other bloggers "currentlys". It's ironic because I've been thinking about doing one up and integrating it into my blog (maybe not weekly but on a pretty regular basis) and my buddy Nicole started one up yesterday as well. Great minds think alike. Plus its a known fact that I love lists and planning, so having these all broken down makes me happy too. 

Do you do a "currently"? If so post your links, I'd love to read them.