Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bob's Burgers

2011 - Season 1
(streaming Netflix)

Story Line:
Bob's Burgers centers on the Belcher family (consists of Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene and Louise) who own a hamburger restaurant. Bob's burgers are really delicious and appear to be better than his rivals' but when it comes to selling burgers, his kids aren't really helpful, as more customers head over to Jimmy Pesto's restaurant.

My life isn't only about watching documentaries, you have to have some silly shows in the mix! I just found this show on Netflix this past weekend and have almost watched the entire first season. It is hilarious. I love the humor and Louise is definitely my favorite character. I think my favorite episode so far has been the bed and breakfast episode, it's so funny to see parents afraid of their child. haha

If you have streaming Netflix, go check it out. And if you have cable tv, I'm jealous because I see that there is now a season 2!

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I just finished "Archer," an animated FX series, and I heard that the main voice actor is also on "Bob's Burgers."

With that information and your approval of it, I think I may give it a go!
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Oh, I'll have to see if it's on Netflix. I love Bob's Burgers. It is pretty crude humor, but apparently that is what makes me laugh. haha
I love Tina! I was very disappointed when they cancelled it after the first season and I'm happy that they put it back :p.

Happy midweek, girl!
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
It's such a great show, I think we only have 3 episodes left to watch. I always get so depressed when I find something I really like and come to the last few episodes and know that I now have to go on a quest to find something new!
This show looks good! Now I just have to get Netflix. ;)
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
it's one of my favorite shows, its also on fox if you have tv (i just dont have tv to watch it- they are airing season two i believe) - maybe you could find it on hulu or even full episodes on youtube too?

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