Wednesday, April 04, 2012

what am i doing?

for some reason i agreed to design a blog and logo for one of my friends. i'm not sure why i think i'm qualified for this endeavor especially when my blog is a constantly changing creature right now (hopefully after a few more teeny changes this will be all the changes for a while)

i have learned quite a bit of html and tips just over the past few months - plus i did have my own business prior to ever having a blog in which i must say my packaging was pretty darn kick ass. but no master design expert.

my problem, and it will always be my problem is my indecisiveness as well as my ability to put down EVERYTHING i do. nothing is ever good enough (i cried last semester when i got an A-, like cried for days, sobbing, yeah pathetic i know). so hopefully she slaps me around a bit and keeps me in line.

oddly my mister even asked for my help for his new logo. he has an amazing eye for logos and design so i was actually a little shocked. we both have always been obsessed with packaging and fonts. sometimes i have purchased items just so i can have the packaging. anyone else do this or am i the only weird one?

i was going to share some pictures- but apparently everyone and their brother are on instagram and the site is not letting me log into my account. boo hiss.

guess its time to watch a movie instead. we got 50/50 today from Netflix. Looks pretty funny. I'll let you know how it is.

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I buy things for their packaging (and liked 50/50). I find it a lot easier to design things for other people because I have a narrower view of who they are and what the design therefore needs to say; I bet you'll do a great job.

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