Name: Miss Mindy
Age: In elf years, I’m 134
Occupation: Cartoon Folk Artist
Etsy Shop: missmindyartist
Tell us a little about yourself.
-I’m a rebellious little elf that works and lives out my home studio/workshop in Eagle Rock, CA. (Spittin’ distance from Pasadena) I’ve been a professional cartoonist and creator for years, and showcase my fine art – (or ‘Cartoon Folk Art’ as I like to call it) all over the world at various galleries and events. I tend to favor working in 3 mediums, Ink paintings, traditional & pop up paintings, and sculpture. Or is that four.. ;) he he he…
When did you start creating and how long have you been on Etsy?
-I’ve been an artist since I popped out! My mom is an artist too, and so is my sister, AND her husband… (oh dear) AND my husband… so at Christmastime there is no shortage of opinions at the table.
-I’ve been on Etsy for a couple years now, and have met so many great people… It’s an outlet for the craftmanship revolution, and I’m happy to be apart of it.
How did you come up with your business name, is there any special meaning behind it?
-Oh sure! I used to teach kids cartooning, and they’d say.. “Miss Mindy Miss Mindy!!” all day long – so It stuck.
It also doubles as my hot-sauce Lady of the Night name, so If I need to Burlesque dance real quick, I’m covered.
How would you describe your creative process?
-Kind of Psychotic, peaceful, unsure & proceeding to totally confident.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
-I’ve always had an affinity for the pixie-esque mixed with a lil’ sas…
I collect vintage toys, adore old Betty Boop cartoons & enjoy circus Ice cream music. They help wisk me away out of reality and into the stories in my head.
Do you also sell your work at craft shows?
-I Honestly don’t tend to show my work at craft fairs like I used to, and found that galleries and specialty boutiques is where my audience is nowadays. I did however get asked to teach up at ArtFest in Port Townsend this year, It was fabulous. There was a night to sell my wares, and yes indeed it takes some mondo prep to get ready for these suckers! Especially since I was flying from LA, and didn’t have the scratch to ship a bunch of stuff. I managed to streamline and take just what was needed, flat prints, books and cards, and a few framed originals… It went phenominal!
-As far as this Christmas season… Leanna Lin’s Wonderland in my hometown of Eagle Rock is Showcasing mine, and my sister CJ Metzger’s art show ‘Far away Places’ until the end of Dec. It’s an adorable boutique with tons of artists goodies, toys, and jewlery. Go by and tell her Miss Mindy sent choo!
-Lastly, My sculptures and prints will be availiable at The Wonderground Gallery in Downtown Disney this December, Yep! I’ll be doing a signing on Dec. 1st from 1-4pm to introduce my latest creations. I also will be signing Dec. 15th, time TBD. I’ll be posting updates on my social media sites, so keep in touch!
• How long does it take you to prepare for a show? Do you have any special methods of getting ready?
-It depends on the show, but with solo gallery shows it can take up to a year to prep. For duo- shows, I usually take about 4-5 months, and for group shows ( a single painting) I set aside 1-2 months to make sure the idea has time to gel and come out naturally. Just try to give yourself enough time and don’t wait until the last minute… even though that’s the artist’s normal path. Gees… I have to follow my own advice! He he he… I’m swamped! ;)
• Describe an experience from a show (good or bad) and why that pushes you to continue with your work
-Oh that’s a tough one… There are always seasons in art, The Good, The Bad, and the Bizarre. When things don’t seem to be going your way, look inside your heart and remember why you’re doing it. Make good art and try to go with the flow…. n’ Yes, push yourself, but good art & craftsmanship is the best business, the rest follows if you don’t give up!
What is your most cherished handmade item?
-I think my first sculpted figure… “Little Miss Mushroom Circus.” ( see picture )
I adore her pink hair and overall attitude… she was the start of a new challenging direction for me.
Apart from creating things, what do you like to do?
-I adore decorating for the Holidays, playing with my little circus dog named ‘Radio’ – and traveling as a often as my pocketbook lets me!
If you weren’t an artist, what would you be and why?
-A stage performer. Not on film… but old school, with big red velvet curtains and wooden painted props (Think “The Imaginarioum of Dr. Parnassus style!) *sigh* I can dream…. Hey wait. That’s still an artist! ;)
Five years from now you will be…
-Traveling around the world in a hot air balloon that looks like an elephant, complete with a cozy bed and little kitchen so I can make muffins… and of course my husband Ricky Dee and my pup Radio will be with me!
Describe yourself in five words:
-A red-headed, sweet n’ sassy lil’ broad.
Carrying on with the five theme, if I were to turn on your <insert whatever type of music player you use here>, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?
-1920’s Favorites, Radiohead, Fleet Foxes, Charlie Brown Christmas and The Rocky Horror picture show soundtrack.
Lastly, do you have any advice for anyone thinking about opening their own shop or participating in craft shows?
-Do it! Have fun, and make what you enjoy… because if it takes off, you’ll be creating a bunch of ‘em!
bethany · 643 weeks ago
Aree · 643 weeks ago
GypsyinJasper · 643 weeks ago