Monday, November 12, 2012

Market Mondays

The indoor farmer's market was amazing. I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures but I did get this picture off their website. (It didn't snow this weekend - it was actually gorgeous and in the mid 60's here!) It was such an adorable space. We got there right as they were opening and it was already buzzing with people. Inside is tiny, so it was semi chaos of people bumping into one another, hence me not taking pictures! But everyone's tables and displays were gorgeous. I promise to take pictures the next time its open, which will be the Saturday following Thanksgiving. 

This weeks haul; chicken, t-bones, hamburg, pork shoulder, spaghetti squash, eggplant, apples (for a crazy enormous Thanksgiving apple pie I have planned! one full peck into ONE pie! it will be amazing!), carrots, tomatoes, eggs, french bread, fougasse aux herbs bread.

We got home and were putting things away thinking we didn't really get very much. I think we were both a little overwhelmed with the new set up for the market and believe me when I say it was packed to the gills. Plus, you know the type, people walk right in front of you while you are looking or about to buy something. Knock into you without apologizing. And basically act like you are invisible. So we got what we got.. we'll be better prepared next time!

I must mention these breads a little more in detail.

Fougasse Aux Herbs:
This bread smells amazing! We had it last night with our t-bones and it was perfection!

Classic French Bread:
We ate this with our meal on Saturday; a roast with mashed potatoes, gravy and carrots. All fresh from the market. The dinner is one of my favorites and a slice of this bread along side of it just added to my happy dance while eating!

Both the breads were made by a woman that we had met when we had gone to Kelly and Adam's back in the early Fall. She had many other pastries that all looked and smelled delicious. But because I was already planning on creating my variation on the Glazed Doughnut Muffins we ended up just getting the breads. 

Stop back tomorrow to check out my Glazed Doughnut Muffins - You'll be glad you did!

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Excuse me while I wipe the drool off the computer! That all looks fantastic. It always saddens me when people are so rude. I truly think most of them do not intend to be rude, they are just thoughtless. Which is sad, also.
I hope you have a wonderful week!
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
Yeah people are just oblivious..never makes sense to me!

Have a great week as well =)
YAY! You made the donut muffins. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Yum, yum, yum.

Also that bread looks incredible. I haven't had breakfast yet and now I'm dying for something delicious.
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
You definitely have to make the donut muffins - so so so good!
Wow that looks amazing....I go crazy at markets! I just love being surrounded by such fresh and delicious stuff!
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
The displays were amazing. Everything looked so gorgeous. I promise to take pictures next time!
Oh hello! I just popped over from Elycia's blog & have been enjoying yours as well! I especially like your posts about buying handmade and the farmers' market!
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
hi and welcome! farmers market posts will be only 2xs a month now until May because our winter market is the 2nd and 4th sat of each month- but still fun I've gotten to be friends with many of the farmers - so I'm sure I'll be out visiting farms in between times to get additional goodies when we run out

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